Showtime at the Apollo
Showtime at the apollo is hosted by Steve Harvey. I’m looking at episode 3 season 1 or 1.3.
Co host is a lady named Adrienne. Reminds me of Rocky’s girlfriendSteve explains the Apollo traditions such as audience participation, The sand man (bring me a dream/enter night, exit light/ Morpheus), and rubbing the stump for good luck. He calls it a log like Abraham Lincoln logs/ log cabin republicans/black people who call themselves republican because Lincoln was/ren & Stimpy )
Adrienne Houghton = 88, 74
The sandman = 99
The log = 67
Twin girls perform Amira and Kayla. He doesn’t mention that its an Apollo standard to never boo kids. It was fuckin weird.
Not much to cover until GAry Owen comes on stage, i know him as the white comedian on BET, and so does Steve Harvey. One of his jokes references being in the army and Boyz II Men, using cadence to sing “end of the road”. Boyz II Men is group out of Philadelphia.
Boyz II Men = 118, 55, 222(Francis), 125, 44, 46(JR)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania = 118, 125
Fibonacci = 55, 44
Fibonacci series and phi ratio are very close.
PHI is shorthand for philly and means love. Is the golden spiral the shape of love? I bet if you draw it correctly you could have two halves of a heart. Like this.
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