Walt and Oscar, the pedestrian bridge, Apollo stuff

Walt and Oscar, the pedestrian bridge and Adonis Johnson

I was wondering if Walt Whitman had an Oscar connection and it turns out that Walt Whitman met Oscar Wilde on January 31st 1882. In Camden New Jersey. Or 1/31.

Oscar Wilde was 27 and Walt Whitman was 62.

3 months and 15 days after wilde’s 27th birthday. Or 107 days.
Walt Whitman was born on may 31st the meeting was four months before is birthday. Or 35 weeks and 1 day after his 62nd birthday.

God = 131 (satanic)

I found out earlier that micheal b Jordan has been in three movies directed  by Ryan coogler.  Ryan’s birthday is may 23rd. Or 5/23, those three movies are:
Black panther = 48, 213
Creed = 35, 26, 28
Fruitvale station = 212, 206 (JO)

MBJ’s birthday is Feb 9th 2/9. Black Panther released a week, seven days, after his 31st birthday. 

Both Michael B Jordan and Ryan Coogler are from Oakland. The character Killmonger from black panther is from Oakland.  
Creed is about the son of Apollo Creed who moves from LA to Philly once he decides to become a professional boxer, and moves to be coached  by Rocky Balboa.  The screen play was written by Coogler and brought to Stallone who wasn’t looking to expand the franchise so that story goes. Creed’s sons name is Adonis Johnson. Important to mention that Adonis is linked to Venus. According to myth when Adonis died Venus/aphrodite pleaded for his life and zues granted the wish by allowing Adonis to live with Venus/Aphrodite  in the spring and in the underworld with Persephone in the winter. So he goes thru a type of ressurection every year and the wiki article on Adonis says the word stems from the Jewish Adonai a word for the Hebrew god.
Adonis Johnson = 612 (satanic), 58.

 There will be a Creed II in which Adonis will fight Viktor Drago the son of the man who killed Apollo creed. In the news we’ve been hearing about the Russians fucking with the integrity of our democracy this is a reboot of the Cold War/Space race when all the movie villains were russian. 
Viktor drago =137 (JO) 
Creed II = 53, 44, 46, 52(JO), 318 (Sumerian)

The Apollo 11 mission was the mission that took dudes to the moon. That’s when “the eagle has landed” = 131, 126(JO)

Apollo 13 mission went wrong. “Houston we’ve  had a problem.” This year will be the 48th anniversary of the malfunction which happened 14/4 or 13/4 depending on where on the planet you were at the time.
 This year hurricane Harvey hit after Steve Harvey was front and center for the money fight, then the Houston Astros were a lock for the World Series once Harvey pitched the first ball after the hurricane.  Currently Steve Harvey is hosting a reboot of Showtime at the Apollo, no lie. The most recent version of the show debuted march first, or 1/3.

Something happened to Tank no 2.
65 volts of DC power. The malfunction happened either 14/4 or 13/4.
Another moon connection:  Michael Jackson’s first moonwalk in public was on march 25th . Or 3/25 this is the reflection of Ryan Coogler’s birthdate 5/23.

Captain America’s shield is made of vibranium, which is the super powerful super precious resource that Wakanda is built upon. Wakanda is the fictional nation that the black panther is the prince of. Vibranium allows for technological advancements and allows the community to hide in plain sight. like the amazon type tribe in Wonder Woman. Very powerful examples of marginalized people hiding from the colonizing white man. Sounds like empowerment programming to me.

Watching The Young Turks report of the pedestrian bridge collapse and they mentioned that the company responsible for the construction of the pedestrian bridge in Florida  that collapsed was named figg. Which immediately makes me think of the Ryan Coogler movie “Fig.” Ryan Coogler is the director of “Creed” and “Black Panther.” They also mention in the video that the company said they had never had another accident in their 40 year history. Except a Virginia paper has exposed that FIGG was involved in the construction of the south Norfolk JORDAN bridge that a10 ft long,  90 ton piece of concrete had fallen on to RAILROAD TRACKS in June 2012. The company ended up having to make a 28,000 payout.  You could write that month/year like 6/12.
FIGG = 29, 169 (satanic)
Thirteen squared is 169.
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge = 119
Ten = 144 (satanic)
Ninety = 81 (Jewish ordinal)
TYT says that the company was using a new technique called ABC. Accelerated Bridge Construction = 131.
The technique makes it so traffic is not blocked for as long as it normally would be during a bridge construction. The hosts of TYT mention the 405 highway. Kinda like 45, lent is a 45 day ritual, the stoneman douglas happened on the 45th day of the year.

Seems like that segment was particularly loaded with the numbers I’m vibing with.

I realized there will be TWO Friday the thirteenths this year. One in April and one in July. Friday is named for the planet Venus. men are from mars and women are from Venus. and to call back to stoneman douglas on Valentine’s Day - Venus is the Roman goddess of love.

Also this 

Two = 13, 58
trump is the 58th person to be inaugurated, he was at the 58 story trump tower when his Selection was announced.

One five one zero eight  (15108) is the zip code in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. This is the place where trump held a rally to get republicans to vote against Democrat Conor LAMB. The rally was held on march tenth. Could be written 10/3. Dropping the zero it looks like 13. Lambs are a central symbol to Easter going back to the pagan celebration of the spring equinox. I think that it was rabbits and lamb that also had a fertility connotation. 

Had an idea about a QWERTY cipher. There’s gotta be at least one which means there’d be four. 
I was thinking it would be Q, A, Z are 1; W, S, X are 2; E, D, C are 3; and so on until 9 and p is 10 or 0. I dunno just spitballing. Not downloading.

If you count letters in this manner then the word “god”=17
5+9+3 = 17

I dunno.


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